Household WASH Expenditure Survey 2021

Project Details:
Client: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS)
Implemented by: WaterAid
Geographic Coverage: Different districts of Bangladesh
Sector: WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene)
Project Description: The Government of Bangladesh has undertaken a lot of plans and programs for safe water, sanitation, and hygiene. This survey was a part of the ongoing process. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) aimed to initiate Household WASH Expenditure Survey 2021.
BBS required to develop Web and Mobile Application for WASH Survey Data Collection, Monitoring, Reporting and Data Management. The main goal of the survey is to know the present number of users of installed/ rehabilitated water and sanitation facilities. To assess households’ access to Water and sanitation facilities, related expenses. And also their knowledge about COVID-19 pandemic. This helps to strengthen further programmes and reach the right people in a more inclusive manner. The WASH survey cover the different districts of the Bangladesh.
To complete the assignment, solvers go through the entire WASH data collection process. We done requirement analysis & design for the solution. The solution for the survey was developed in such a manner as to detect most of the errors, omissions or inconsistencies right at the data collection field level. We developed a mobile application, which interacts with server using API (Application Programming Interface). The collected data stored into a centralized database. We developed a web based dashboard to monitor all the real time reporting, collected data, supervisor can supervise their subordinates, data validation and other required functionalities. Strong quality control measures were adopted. After completing the development task, the testing and bug solving completed. Then we deploy the total system. After completing the implementation and final testing, we start training the officials and field interviewers.
The CAPI process ensure smooth and quality data collection. Enumerators send data from the field in real time using mobile internet connection. The data were substantially cleaned and validated at the field level. The collected data stored into a centralized database. When the WASH survey start, solvers also provide support to the enumerators over phone or remote access.
After the data was transferred to BBS headquarter, Project team reviewed data. Project authority compiled and exported data from the web application to a readable version for further data analysis and reporting for people access to drinking water and sanitation services.