Doctor Prescription & Appointment System (DPAS)

Call for Demo:
+88 01913390330,
+88 01953561249

Doctor Prescription & Appointment System (DPAS) Simplifies prescription and appointments, helping you to manage patients & chambers in a smart way. Create your first prescription in less than 60 seconds.
Key Features:
- Easy and user friendly Dashboard to review all .
- Add, edit, delete Prescriptions very easily. You can also create prescriptions from daily appointments.
- Standard secured & clean design
- Fully Responsive Design
- Cash flow chart reports
- Net Incomes
- Create & manage chambers
- Create & manage staffs
- Create & manage patients
- Create & manage diagnosis
- Create & manage advises
- Create & manage additional advises
- Create & manage diagnosis tests
- Create & manage drugs
- Create & manage prescriptions
- Create & manage appointments
- Set schedule for appointments
- Manage profile with education & experiences
- Print prescriptions
- Auto generate serial numbers for appointments
- Date wise appointment serials
- Secure System
- Change profile images, Logo, Description, etc.
- Easy and user friendly solution.